A vision I have for my poster is a sepia toned, warm coloured poster that shows simplicity at its finest. The setting and landscape is most important for my video, as this is what I want my artist to be known for. Looking at various posters, it is clear that less is more when advertising, its easy on the eyes, and creates interest into the meaning behind the image and the composition. Here are some posters that particularly caught my eye.
This particular shot caught my attention instantly. Kurt Cobin is a well known artist, and therefore just him and the guitar catches the eye, and draws attention. The simplicity of the guitar with just his name printed on it gives an authentic approach, and you instantly understand his character and style/genre.
This image is composed well, the use of landscape and the dulled out colours works really well together. This is something that relates back well to my poster ideas. However, the genre of music that paramore produce doesn't relate back well to this as they are a rock/punk band. From that genre you would expect a busier, grungy poster.
I really love the simplicity of this poster. This poster has given me inspiration to use the same composition of people, however as my artist is solo, it would be three images of him edited together, in a sepia landscap backdrop.
This image is one of my favourites. Its simplicity, colours and stylings all portray the genre perfectly, without the element of trying too hard to impress. This relaxed approach is something i want to be able to apply in my poster, in relation to this and the poster above.
Although I'm not that keen on the edit of this photo, it does catch your eye and draw your attention. Its a simple image, but when edited it creates great impact. It shows his style, and genre perfectly, and therefore this image is all that is needed for this artist.
Here is another poster where the compostition and image is simple but effective. However with this one, I dont like the writing and caption in it. I think it looks a bit cheap, and doesnt really suit the image.
This imge caught my eye because its a performance based photo, and presents the artist to be fun, exciting, and so we expect his music to be too. I could therefore create a performace based photo and incorporate text into it. I think its a great advertising tool for a music poster.
From researching a variety of music posters, i have realised that within my genre, Acoustic/pop, the best selling point for a poster is that 'Less is More'.
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